BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt)Hindenburgstraße 16 74395 MundelsheimTelefon +49 157 70 995 531Telefax +49 157 70 995 599 E-Mail: [email protected] |
Professional management of innovations and processes is indispensable if companies want to survive and be successful at market in the longer term, since this ensures a continuous and efficient flow of innovations.
By our department "Innovation and Process Management", we support you in conceptualizing and implementing a professional management of innovations and processes along the corporate value chain.
This involves both core elements like innovation processes, production processes and marketing processes and complementary elements like (innovation) strategy development and project management. Due to the unitized structure of our consultancy service, you decide yourself if you need a holistic support or support exclusively in selected subareas. This enables us to design solutions individually tailored to the needs of your company. 1. Strategy From the analysis of your company and its environment, the identification of trends and planning of scenarios to the development and evaluation of strategic options to strategy formulation and implementation, we accompany you in all phases of the strategy process. Regardless, of whether it is asked for a strategy for the whole company, for a single department or for a functional strategy (e.g. IP-strategy).
2. Innovation Process Concerning your innovation process, our service encompasses consultancy regarding initiation of innovation as well as regarding the ideation, evaluation, conceptualization and implementation of your innovations to professionalize your innovation process and to develop it to a continuous flow of innovations.
3. Production Process In the context of production process optimization, we support you not only by risk analysis but also by identifying crucial parameters as a basis for a real-time surveillance of your processes. At that, energy efficiency and value for money play an important part, too.
4. Marketing Process Without proper marketing every product fail - however innovative it might be. For that reason, we give you a hand concerning all facets of marketing process, from market research and customer segmentation to commercialization to the development of a new business model, serving as an interface to market.
5. Project Management Many companies fail due to immature project management and its accompaniments such as deficient adherence to schedules. Together we professionalize your project management by the introduction of a Project Management Office (PMO) - from conceptualizing to implementation. This also involves the elaboration of corresponding tools and training of employees.