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BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt)
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News Archive


Portfolio extension at BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt): LCA analysis

Zella-Mehlis, June 2022. BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt) extends the portfolio by offering lifecycle analyses for optimizing our customers' internal processes. [Available in German only]

Innovation Award for BVB UG customer

Zella-Mehlis. During a ceremonial act on 16th June 2022 the German Federal Minister for the Environment Ms. Barbara Hendriks presented a grant statement of the Environment Innovation Programme for the project of an energetic building redevelopment amounting to 741,131.00 Euros. The "Märkische Scholle" was supported by BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt) at the application of this project. (source: BMUB) [Available in German only]

BVB UG customer has reached the finals of "Deutscher Gründerpreis 2022" (German Start-up Award)

Hamburg, Juni 2022: Nanoscribe GmbH is one of the finalists nominated by the jury. [Available in German only]

Increased attractiveness through Open Innovation

Edelstahl Aktuell, issue May 2022: The ability to innovate is an important leverage for a company's success. An article by BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt). [Available in German only]

BVB UG support to the European Space Agency ESA

Aachen, April 2022. Our BVB UG Aachen office is currently supporting the ESA within the framework of the EU-Technology Transfer Project FUTTA (Fusion Technology Transfer Action).

Ilse Schröder becomes EU-Coach for medium-sized businesses

Ellwangen, April 2022. The European Union wants to empower the innovative capacity of SMEs and therefore created the "SME-tool". So-called EU-Coaches support the companies. Ilse Schröder, director of BVB UG Consult, has been trained to be such an EU-Coach. [Avaialbel in German only]

BVB UG branch manager elected member of directorate of VDI Hamburg

Lucas Richter, PhD, branch manager of BVB UG branch Hamburg, has been elected member of VDI Hamburg directorate on 24.03.2022. He will be responsible for the division "Innovation". [Available in German only]

H2020 SME Phase II Project - BVB UG client successful!

In March 2022, one of our client's project has been awarded as one of Europe's best projects out of 629 proposals (thereof 47 German proposals) and has reached the start-up phase.

Further expansion of BVB UG Consult in Germany

BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt) opened a new office in Pfarrkirchen, Bavaria, on 01.03.2022. Responsible: Mr. Kurt Eifert.

Innovation clusters - Open Innovation alive

Martin Groß, PhD & Oliver Zimmermann (BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt)) about open innovation and cooperation clusters in Photonik, issue 1-2022. [Available in German only]

Survey: What do you think about Baden-Württemberg's industry?

Online survey until 31.03.2022 - Give your opinion and support Baden-Württemberg's ministry of finance and economy. [Available in German only]

Ilse Schröder becomes EU-Coach for medium-sized businesses

Wirtschaft Regional, 25.02.2022: The European Union wants to empower the innovative capacity of SMEs and therefore created the "SME-tool". So-called EU-Coaches support the companies. Ilse Schröder, director of BVB UG Consult, has been trained to be such an EU-Coach. [Avaialbel in German only]

Seminar "Subsidies en financiering"

Paul Krüger, BVB UG Consult cluster and project manager, lectures on financing possibilities and subsidies for SMEs on 23.04.2022 in Maastricht (German-Dutch Chamber of Commerce). [Available in German/Dutch only].

Benefit from the future-oriented funding programme "innovation initiative biotechnology"

Ellwangen, February 2022: Benefit from the future-oriented funding programme "innovation initiative biotechnology". BVB UG Consult is planning on a subsidised R&D project answering the German Federal Ministry of Research and Technology's call for tenders. [Available in German only]

Jacqueline Prokosch completes training successfully

Ellwangen, January 2022. BVB UG Consult's first trainee completed her training as office clerk successfully. Congratulations!

Pupils in Ellwangen learn about entrepreneurs' motivations

Ipf- und Jagst-Zeitung (21.01.2022) / A few weeks before the A-Level exams, pupils in Ellwangen had the chance to talk to entrepreneur Ilse Schröder (BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt)) and to Martin Vetter (owner of Dowe advertising agency). [Available in German only]

ZIM will be kept up, the guideline revised

The funding programme Central Innovation Programme SME ("ZIM") will be kept up und the respective guideline will be revised. The draft has been published in January 2022. [Available in German only]

"Ellwanger Kindertisch" has been awarded as best social project

The social project "Ellwanger Kindertisch" supported by BVB UG Consult has been awarded by minister Katrin Altpeter in December 2014. [Available in German only]

Government of Baden-Württemberg awards social projects

BVB UG supports the project "Ellwanger Kindertisch" and would also like to ask its business partners for their vote for this project. Vote until 04.11.2014! [Available in German only]

BVB UG Branch Hamburg and Fraunhofer ITEM cooperation: UBA-Studies

On 01.10.2014, Fraunhofer ITEM and BVB UG's Hamburg branch have been assigned to conduct a study for the "Umweltbundesamt" (German federal agency which is the equivalent of the American EPA). [Available in German only]

Pfalzwerke start research project LISA with BVB UG Consult as project partner

The kick-off-meeting took place on 08.10.2014 in Kandel. [Available in German only]

1000 tons of unutilized biogenic residues

Ellwangen, October 2014. GOA's potential analysis for the region Ostwürttemberg (designed by BVB UG Consult) reveals 1000 tons of unutilized biogenic residues. [Available in German only]

BVB UG cooperation cluster biomastec comments on the 10 theses published by the German Federal Government's "Bioökonomierat"

GoingPublic Magazin, Life Sciences-Series, No. 3/2014 special issue Biotechnologie, volume 16, September 2014. [Available in German only]

BVB UG branch Hamburg: New office location

Through the merger of the existing BVB UG branches Niedersachsen and Schleswig-Holstein into a new Hamburg branch, an important step for expanding our activities in the North of Germany as well as in Scandinavia has been taken. The inauguration of the office took place on 30.09.2014 with 80 attendees. [Available in German only]

Location factor: skill-intensive industries

Dr. Lucas Richter, branch manager of BVB UG Consult's office in Hamburg, points out the importance of innovative companies for a location's economy and gives ideas for Hamburg's economic policy (magazine "Wirtschaftsrats Deutschland", Landesverband Hamburg / Schleswig-Holstein, issue 3-2014). [Available in German only]

BVB UG Consult successful with H2020 cooperation projects

Ellwangen, September 2014: BVB UG Consult has been very successful during the first two HORIZON2020 evaluation rounds. One project (call EeB) is currently in the negotiation phase, another project (call NMP) successfully reached the second step of the application phase.

BVB UG customer wins H2020 SME project

During the first round of HORIZON 2020's SME instrument, 2.666 proposals have been submitted from all over Europe - but only 6,2% have been successful. One of the ten successful German projects has been managed by BVB UG Consult and will receive the approval letter on September 26th, 2014.

The energy revolution needs innovative solutions

On September 3rd 2014, BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt) hosted the conference "Future energy research and energy policy". [Available in German only]

Conference at BVB UG Consult: Intelligent products and integration help to accomplish the energy revolution

11.09.2014: The daily paper Schäbische Post reports on solutions for the energy revolution. [Available in German only]

6th Annual Conference "Strategic technology- and innovation management in manufacturing companies"

15. to 17. September 2014, Hotel Steigenberger, Berlin (organisation: Marcus Evans) Dr. Martin Groß, BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt) gives a lecture on "Innovation- and process management - Key factors for sucessful business development".

Award-winning funding project

April 2014: Actuator Solution GmbH's funding project OIS-AF (consulting by BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt)) won the German Innovation Award 2014 in the medium-sized enterprise category. Congratulations!

BVB UG Consult supports financing of railway project in Sudan

Ellwangen, April 2014: Minister of transport and government delegation come to Ellwangen for a conference on Public Private Partnership. [Available in German only]

Cluster 3D FAB at SME's day "Mittelstandstag"

The cooperation cluster 3D FAB will present itself together with BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt) at the SME's day "Mittelstandstag" on 22.05.2014 in Berlin. The event serves as meeting point for innovative SMEs and offers the possibility for dialogue and communication to experts of different technological sectors. [Available in German only]

ZIM funding released

On 02.04.2014, the German budget committee released 350 m Euro for the funding programme ZIM (Central Innovation Programme SME). The association VIU, whose spokeswoman for Baden-Württemberg is Ilse Schröder (member of board BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt)), contributed to this release of funds. [Available in German only]

Benefit from go-inno coupons

[Available in German only]

EU-project "PUFAChain" launched at kick-off meeting

After having been approved by the Euoropean Commission in October 2013, BVB UG Consult's EU-project "PUFAChain: The Value Chain from Microalgae to PUFA" has ben launched with a kick-off meeting in December at Niedersachsen's representation in Brussels. [Available in German only]

BVB UG Consult opens new branch

On 01.01.2014, we open our new branch "BVB UG Consult North" in Hamburg.

Verband Innovativer Unternehmen e. V. (VIU) – VIU directorate conference from 18.10. - 19.10.2013 in Ellwangen

The directorate of VIU (Association of Innovative Companies) held this year's conference for the first time in Baden-Württemberg. The event has been organized by Ilse Schröder, spokesperson of VIU Baden-Württemberg and managing director of BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt). [Available in German only]

High returns on investment for investors starting from EUR 100.000 – clever investment in innovative technologies

Ellwangen, September 2013: A good structure of your assets is decisive for a long-term investment success. Long-term studies show that investors can hit higher returns if they invest partially in company participations. [Available in German only]

Ability for funding – "We need a practicable solution"

photovoltaik (Issue 08/2013): Up to now, hybrid modules have not been subsidized by the German Federal Office of Economics and Export Control. A research project is now supposed to clarify which quality standards and norms should apply, as the tests done by the solar industry cannot be applied to these combined modules. Andreas Stein (BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt)) explains why. [Available in German only]

Invitation: Technology application meeting "Anti-corrosion" on 13.09.2013

Innovative materials, processes and product ideas are looking for users of concrete R&D projects: Visit the technology application meeting "Anti-corrosion" on 13.09.2013 in Schwäbisch Gmünd. Target group: practitioners, commission coaters, R&D institutes. [Available in German only]

First year of training successfully completed

Our trainee for the profession "office clerk", Ms. Jacqueline Prokosch, successfully passed her first year of training with distinction. Congratulations!

New technology cluster "Functional Surfaces" started

Ellwangen. More than 50 companies and research institutes participated in the kick-off meeting for the technology cluster "Functional Surfaces" taking place at the innovation consultancy BVB UG Consult in June 2013. [Available in German only]

BVB UG Consult in conversation with Birgit Homburger, MP

At the DTI conference taking place in May 2013, Ilse Schröder, Managing Director of BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt), takes to Brigit Homburger, MP, about a lack of budget for the support program "energy storage". [Available in German only]

VIU arguing for SMEs – Meeting in Berlin

Wirtschaft Regional (Issue May 2013): Ellwangen/Berlin. Ilse Schröder, spokesman of Baden-Württemberg's VIU committee in Berlin and managing director of BVB UG Consult, is arguing on behalf of researching and medium-sized enterprises. [Available in German only]

Current paticipation projects

Here you can find the current participation projects of BVB UG Venture GmbH for investors and strategists. [Available in German only]

Rösler launches innovation subsidy "venture capital"

15.05.2013: The innovation subsidy venture capital has been introduced today by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi). With this measure, the ministry supports the access to venture capital for young and innovative companies with 150 m Euro. [Available in German only]

Press reports on the trade show Hannover Messe

Here you can find the press reports on BVB UG Consult's stand at the trade show Hannover Messe in April 2013. [Available in German only]

"UAS-Senso" innovation cluster starts

VDV Geodäsie und Geoinformatik Magazin (Issue 2/2013): The "UAS-Senso" innovation cluster for the development of multi-sensor and mission management systems for unmanned aircraft systems for civil UAS applications has started. [Available in German only]


Cluster "Hydrogen Power Station" presented at ThEGA 2022

Zella-Mehlis. On 20.04.2022, BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt) GmbH successfully presented its cooperation cluster "Hydrogen Power Station" at the conference ThEGA in Weimar. [Available in German only]

BVB UG customer wins German Industry Prize 2022

Max Holder GmbH wins the German Industry Prize for the BVB UG-managed ZIM project "PowerDrive" in April 2022!

"Big Data in Life Science": 29.04.2022 in Hamburg

BVB UG branch Hamburg participates in the event "Big Data in Life Science". [Available in German only]

Kick-off for R&D project MULDIRIN in Zella-Mehlis

Zella-Mehlis. In cooperation with BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt), the kick-off meeting for the R&D project MULDRIN took place on 19.03.2022. [Available in German only]

Kick-off meeting for ZIM cooperation cluster "Municipal Multi Energy Storage"

Zella-Mehlis. After having received the official grant, the new cluster's kick-off meeting took place on 18.03.2022 in Straubing. [Available in German only]

Presentation of cooperation research project LaWin

Zella-Mehlis. On 11.03.2022, Hans Friedrich (BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt)) presented the cooperation research project LaWin at Weimar University. [Available in German only]

Cluster "Modular hydrogen power station" at Energy Storage 2022, Düsseldorf

Successful presentation of the cluster "Modular hydrogen power station" at the trade fair Energy Storage 2022, Düsseldorf, 09.03. - 11.03.2022. [Available in German only]

Invitation: Innovation dialogue UAS/RPAS

BVB UG invites to attend the innovation dialogue UAS/RPAS for civil systems and applications on 31.03.2022 at Munich Technical University. [Available in German only]

Pfalzwerke start research project ThermSpe4EE with BVB UG as partner

ThermSpe4EE - Thermal storage for renewable energies. The kick-off meeting took place on 16th of January 2022 in Ludwigshafen. [Available in German only]

Cooperation cluster "Municipal Multi Energy Storage" launched

Zella-Mehlis. The ZIM cooperation cluster "Municipal Multi Energy Storage" (KME) has been officially launched on 20.02.2022. [Available in German only]

Kick-off meeting cluster "Renewable Methanol"

On 14.01.2022, the founding menebers of the ZIM cluster "Renewable Methanol" held their kick-off meeting in Zella-Mehlis. [Available in German only]

New innovation cluster "Modular ultrashort pulse laser technology"

In December 2014, BVB UG inniciates the new ZIM innovation cluster "Modular ultrashort pulse laser technology", managed by Martin Groß, PhD. [Available in German only]

Snow Leopard Projects GmbH wins Bavarian Export Award 2014

Snow Leopard Projects GmbH, BVB UG customer and member of biomastec cooperation cluster, wins Bavarian Export Award in November 2014. Cogratulations! [Available in German only]

Closing session research and innovation network biomastec

On 30.09.2014, the official funding phase of the research and innovation network biomastec has ended. The closing session too place on 29.09.2014 at BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt), Ellwangen. [Available in German only]

State Secretary Gleicke emphasizes the importance of clusters for SMEs

Berlin, 09.10.2014 [Available in German only]

Project launched to support the energy revolution

In the context of BVB UG's cooperation cluster "SmarGrids", the project "LISA" has been launched by 4 industrial enterprises and 2 research institutes in September 2014. [Available in German only]

New cluster "FutureStorage" launched in August 2014

The cluster "FutureStorage - storage technologies for the energy revolution" focusses on material and thermal energy storage. [Available in German only]

R&D project "SMART" (innovative climbing robot) launched

August 2014: BVB UG cooperation cluster InTeWIND initiates the development of the climbing platform for wind energy plants "SMART". [Available in German only]

BVB UG cluster biomastec in "Umweltmagazin" 7/8-2014

Issue July/August 2014: Use of enzymes for elimination of micropollutants in waste water. [Available in German only]

New cooperation cluster "Zellkultur 2.0" launched July 1st 2014

[Available in German only]

InTeWIND at the trade fair WINDFORCE 2014

The cooperation cluster "InTeWIND" managed by BVB UG Consult presents itself at the trade fair WINDFORCE 2014, 17.06. - 19.06.2014 in Bremen. [Available in German only]

Ultra-fine cleaning - technologies for industrial applications

BVB UG Consult successfully established the innovation cluster "Ultra-fine cleaning". The cluster started its work on 01. May 2014. [Available in German only]

Functional surfaces are the future

District administrator Klaus Pavel opens the first annual conference on functional surfaces "Aalener Oberflächentage" at HTW Aalen. [Available in German only]

Invitation: UAS Application Forum Germany

The cluster UAS-INSYS organizes the "UAS Application Forum Germany" on 04.06. - 05.06.2014 in Gelsenkirchen. [Available in German only]

Cluster SmartGrids continues in Phase 3

Aachen/Ellwangen, April 2014: The cooperation cluster SmartGrids - initiated and managed by BVB UG's Aachen branch - completed Phase 2 successfully and will continue cooperation in Phase 3. [Available in German only]

Inauguration of Peenemünde energy parc

The association FOINEST e.V., member of the cluster "lohc" inaugurates the new energy parc Peenemünde together with BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt). [Available in German only]

330 kEUR of funding granted for biomastec R&D-project

One of the cluster biomastec's R&D-projects will receive 330 kEUR of funding through the Central Innovation Programme SME. [Available in German only]

Aalener Oberflächentage

[Available in German only]

Biobased materials to measure with NIR

March 2014: New approach to hydrothermal conversion of biomass discovered by members of BVB UG's cooperation cluster biomastec. [Available in German only]

Cooperation between clusters - biomastec and CSG (Bulgaria)

Biomastec, an innovation and technology network of BVB UG Consult was visited by representatives of the Green Synergy Cluster from Bulgaria.

Latest developments in medical technology coatings

Open event organized by fotec (cooperation cluster) - 11.02.2014 / Tuttlingen. Please sign up before 05.02.2014.

Cooperation Forum "SmartGrids"

The cluster SmartGrids organizes the cooperation forum "SmartGrids - technologies for an intelligent, local power supply".

Cluster InTeWIND starts its Phase 2

Aachen/Ellwangen, Dec. 2013: Intelligent solutions for a successful implementation of wind power - the cooperation cluster "InTeWIND" starts Phase 2. [Available in German only]

Premiere for the conference "BioÖkonomieTage"

The first conference "BioÖkonomieTage" in Frankfurt attracted 60 participants - Transkript reports in issue 12-2013. [Available in German only]

Interview: Cluster Stevia - Cooperating for healthier food interviews Christian Berentzen, managing director of LIMUH GmbH und spokesman of the cooperation cluster Stevia, in November 2013. [Available in German only]

Cluster UAS-INSYS: Unmanned aircraft systems spotted at Agritechnica

The trade fair Agritechnica is the world's biggest exhibition for agricultural engineering and at the same time a large marketplace for innovations. Here, trends are born and buried. In November 2013, the first unmanned aircraft systems were introduced. [Available in German only]

"The sixth industrial revolution is bio-based"

Dr. Larry Kuhn, Cluster manager biomastec, in GoingPublic - special issue BIOTECHNOLOGIE (September 2013). [Available in German only]

BioÖkonomieTage: Premiere in Frankfurt

The conference "BioÖkonomieTage" organized by BVB UG Consult had its premiere with about 60 participants from 17.10 - 18.10.2013 in Frankfurt/Main. [Available in German only]

Intelligent algorithms for pattern recognition of energy data

December 2013: The cooperation cluster "SmartGrids" will realize another R&D project. [Available in German only]

Competence cluster light electric vehicles in the daily paper TLZ

Not for free - The daily paper TLZ reports in issue 08.06.2013 about Thuringia's electric mobility day. [Available in German only]

UAS-INSYS invites you to the 4. cluster meeting & innovation dialogue

The 4. cluster meeting and innovation dialogue (with external participants) of the competemce cluster UAS-INSYS will take place on 17.10.2013 at FhG/FKIE in Wachtenberg. [Available in German only]

Invitation: BioÖkonomieTage - innovation platform for researchers & practitioners

BVB UG Consult invites you to visit the conference BioÖkonomieTage - innovation platform for researchers and practitioners to strengthen a bio-based economy - in Frankfurt am Main (17.10 - 18.10.2013)! [Available in German only]

Cooperation cluster broadnet+ at ANGACOM in Cologne

The cooperation cluster broadnet+ presents itself with a stand at ANGACOM, a trade fair specialized in broadband, cable and satellite, from 04.06. to 07.06.2013 in Cologne. [Available in German only]

Invitation: Common event organized by biomastec and IHK

The cooperation cluster biomastec invites you to visit the event "Efficient use of waste biomass" at the IHK (International Chamber of Commerce) in Heidenheim, 10.06.2013! [Available in German only]

Cooperation cluster biomastec in "Wirtschaft in Ostwürttemberg"

Efficient use of waste biomass - Wirtschaft in Ostwürttemberg (Issue Mai 2013) reports about the biotechnology cluster and new technologies to strengthen a bio based economy. [Available in German only]

Invitation to UAS innovation dialogue and user forum

The cooperation cluster UAS-INSYS invites you to visit the innovation dialogue and user forum for the civil use of UAS in Gelsenkirchen, 05.06.2013! [Available in German only]

broadnet+ at the ITG Conference in Berlin

BVB UG (Haftungsbeschränkt) had a stand at the ITG conference in Berlin (25.03. - 27.03.2013) to represent its broadnet+ cluster. Here is the report. [Available in German only]

SmartGrids at Hannover Messe 2013

German Economics Minister Rösler and EU Energy Commissioner Oettinger visit the joint stand of Ellwangen-based company BVB UG Consult and EnBW ODR at the Hannover Messe tradeshow (08.04. - 12.04.2013). [Available in German only]